Question:  I saw a prophecy of Zachariah Chapter 5 verse 5 through 11.  He wrote what he saw and I recorded it.  What do you make of that?


As the “man of sin”, spoken of by Christ Jesus in Matt. 24, is known in the Bible as “the Assyrian”; and as this prophecy refers to 2Thess. 2:8–12, that is in all probability the resolution to your question.

You will notice that the “basket” containing the “wickedness” is taken to “Shinar” (Babylonia); which is/was Assyria.

When the time is right, “the Assyrian” will take the world stage as regards Israel and the Middle-East, and for a small period of time have much sway with Israel the Arab nations, and world powers!

That will produce a small period of stability and peace (probably 3.5 years); which when looking at the Middle-East at present, could be quite close!

See:  End Age Events   (Study)


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